Three of the most livable cities in the world are Canadian
Image Credit: SGC via Unsplash
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ranked three Canadian cities – Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto – among the world’s top 10 most livable cities based on scores for stability, culture and environment, education and infrastructure and health care.
This bestows serious bragging tights, but is not news. Canadian cities routinely make the list.
Canada and the World, an Ipsos Reid survey of over 18,000 people in 24 countries conducted in 2010, revealed that 77 per cent of respondents from China and 68 per cent of people from India said they’d live in Canada given the opportunity.
Nearly 80 per cent thought Canadians enjoy one of the best qualities of life anywhere in the world.
And these are responses from regular folk, not experts conducting some academic exercise.
In the nearly 10 years since, Canada has only become more welcoming of newcomers, funding services based on their specific needs.
From conducting pre-arrival information sessions to language training, settlement services, help with job searches and mentoring, the federal and provincial governments lay out the welcome mat for immigrants.
Private organizations and not-for-profits make low-interest loans available for newcomers looking to upgrade their skills or get Canadian qualifications.
Newcomers find places of worship, comfort foods and community organizations that understand their issues and get where they are coming from.
The main political parties seeking votes in the federal elections this month may have different platforms but they all agree that planned immigration is a good thing for Canada.
And that is good news for anyone wanting to make their home in the best country in the world!